
Khóa học Black Belt Lean Six Sigma Đai Đen

Original price was: 25.000.000 ₫.Current price is: 20.000.000 ₫.

Black Belt Lean Six Sigma là một chuyên gia về phương pháp Lean Six Sigma, được đào tạo để có khả năng lãnh đạo các dự án cải tiến chất lượng và hiệu quả trong tổ chức. Họ là những chuyên gia có kinh nghiệm và được đào tạo để áp dụng các công cụ và kỹ thuật Lean Six Sigma để tối ưu hóa hoạt động và quá trình trong các tổ chức.

Để trở thành một Black Belt Lean Six Sigma, người đó cần phải hoàn thành đầy đủ các khóa học và đạt được các chứng chỉ phù hợp từ các tổ chức uy tín. Những kỹ năng chính mà một Black Belt Lean Six Sigma phải có bao gồm khả năng phân tích dữ liệu, đánh giá quy trình, thiết kế và triển khai các phương pháp cải tiến, đào tạo và hướng dẫn nhân viên và các kỹ năng lãnh đạo.


Black Belt Lean Six Sigma là một chuyên gia về phương pháp Lean Six Sigma, được đào tạo để có khả năng lãnh đạo các dự án cải tiến chất lượng và hiệu quả trong tổ chức. Họ là những chuyên gia có kinh nghiệm và được đào tạo để áp dụng các công cụ và kỹ thuật Lean Six Sigma để tối ưu hóa hoạt động và quá trình trong các tổ chức.

The program “Green Belt Upgrade to Black Belt” is designed for CLIENT AAAA to provide in advance of Six Sigma Theory and Six Sigma Tools using and application. It also provides company’s key “GB and BB” the ability to apply the appropriate tool for Six Sigma Project of continuous improvement in their respective areas.

Introduction to CiCC: (Attached file for more detail about CiCC profile, or )

CiCC has delivered millions of dollars of increased profitability by helping organizations drive revenue and reduce costs. CiCC is a Vietnam leader in consulting and training related to performance improvement and regulatory compliance. We have helped hundreds of companies effectively develop the potential from within their organizations to successfully integrate and deploy performance improvement principles and practices, and to meet organizational, regulatory, and strategic goals.

Through our proven ability to transfer the skills and knowledge necessary to improve performance, our customers can realize significant enterprise value for their investment, both immediately and into the future.

By choosing to work with CiCC you benefit from our:

  • Ability to listen and deliver meaningful solutions
  • Range of experience with multiple areas of expertise
  • Dedication to creation of programs that ensure self-sufficiency
  • Commitment to consistently high standards for service and support
  • Thorough execution of all objectives
  • History of meeting and exceeding client expectations

Introduction to Program:

A Six Sigma Black Belt (BB) embodies a thorough knowledge of Six Sigma philosophies and principles (including supporting systems and tools). A certified Black Belt exhibits team leadership, understands team dynamics, and assigns their team members with roles and responsibilities. They have a complete understanding of the DMAIC models in accordance with the Six Sigma principles, have a basic knowledge of lean enterprise concepts, and they can quickly identify “non-value-added” activities.

Besides the Six Sigma knowledge and technical, participants also know how to promote, maintain and manage Six Sigma and how to built culture that employees always have the ability to detect, identify, select and proficient use of methods and Six Sigma tools to solve problems and find optimal innovative solutions for customer and company in the future. A Black Belt’s role within a company includes being the project team leader, allowing them to be directly responsible for projects within their organization. They are held accountable for the results.


                10 days (about time schedule please refer to GB to BB Training Schedule as attached)


To provide Six Sigma Black Belts with additional quality tools and statistical tools that are indispensable to run projects of greater complexity and that have a greater impact on the overall organization’s performance.

Target Audience:

Six Sigma Black Belt candidates who are trained Six Sigma Green Belts with a proven history for success and excellent interpersonal skills. Leading teams in completing process improvement projects is one of the most critical elements for a successful Six Sigma initiative.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Translating Customer Needs into Requirements to Finding Areas Needing Improvement “Writing the Business Case” RECOGNIZE PHASE before run DMAIC roadmap as GB or BB.
  2. Apply statistical software (Minitab) in data collection and data analysis.
  3. Understand the importance of mastering key foundational statistical tools (e.g., the normal theory).
  4. Apply advanced statistical tools in the MEASURE, ANALYZE and CONTROL phases of the DMAIC methodology.
  5. Use essential Lean concepts and lean tools and mapping with IMPROVE PHASE.
  6. Train and Coach Green Belts to improve the outcomes of their green belt projects.

Major Topics

  • Six Sigma Break Thought Strategies (R: Recognize phase – DMAIC – V: Validate phase)
  • Policy deployment and Balanced Scorecard (KPI) – Big Y – Small (­y­­­­s)
  • Advanced Minitab (for application throughout the course)
  • The normal theory, and transformation to normality
  • Process capability / Sampling and measurement system analysis (MSA)
  • Hypothesis testing / Regression analysis
  • Lean and Lean tools / Design of experiments (DOE) / Advanced Control charts

Note: Certification as a Six Sigma Black Belt requires successful completion of this course, a passing grade on the final examination, and submission of a detailed report of 02 successful projects.

Method Key:

  • Example = example from outside data
  • Exercise = exercise on case study or outside data
  • Project exercise = exercise on the participant’s actual project

Program Contents:

CiCC mapping with GB TO BB Training Schedule (1W)

 Training Course guide



Overview and Recognize


Planning Strategy


01Lean Six Sigma Break Thought Strategies•  What are Lean, Six Sigma, and Six Sigma?


•  The Effects of Eliminate Wastes and Reduced Variation

•  Driving out Defects and Non Value Activities

•  Process Effectiveness vs. Efficiency

•  Translating Customer Needs into Requirements

•  The Lean Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy

•  Lean Six Sigma Roles

•  Lean Six Sigma Storyboard (D-MAIC)



Ms Project

Day 1







Six Sigma

02Recognize Phase•  Pipes and Puddles – What’s the Process?


•  The Customer’s Perspective & Balanced Scorecard

•  Determining How Well the Process Satisfies Customers

•  Process Boundaries with SIPOC and IPO Diagram

•  Identifying Improvement Opportunities

•  Lean concept with Value Stream Mapping & KPI






Day 1





Define Phase


Define Overview


03Define Phase•  Clearly define what the customers care about.


•  Define the Lean Six Sigma Project:

–  Description of the work process to be improved

–  Problem Statement (using measures of customer care-about)

–  Project Objective (improve meeting customer care-about by how much?)

–  The project plan






Ms Project

Day 1





04Calculate project benefit and effective•  What is Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)?


•  Quality Cost Categories

•  Estimating Cost Savings for a Lean Six Sigma Project

•  Hard vs. Soft Costs



Ms Project

 Minitab Oveview05Introduce to Minitab•  Opening Minitab / Getting data / Saving files


•  Time plots / Histograms / Dot plots / Scatter plots

•  Pareto charts / Individuals control charts





Day 2



8:00 – 9:00

Measure Phase









Qualitative Analysis



Graph Analysis




Data Collection Plan

Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

06The Power of Data•  Why Use Data / The Role of Statistics


•  Variable Data / Continuous Data

•  Attribute Data / Discrete Data

•  Levels of Knowledge

ProjectorDay 2





07Continuous Data•  Descriptive versus Inferential Statistics


•  Characterizing Data Sets:

–  Shape of Distribution

–  Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)

–  Variation (Range, Standard Deviation, Variance)

•  Dotplots / Histograms / Boxplots

•  Normal Distribution





08Discrete Date•  Defects versus Defective Items


•  Counting Defective Items / Parts per Million (PPM)

•  Counting Number of Defects / Defining Opportunities

•  Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO)

•  Defects per Unit (DPU)

•  Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)

•  Process Capability Metrics





Day 2





09Data Collection Plan•  What is Data? / Why is Data Collection Important?


•  Sampling Strategies / Strategy for Process Baselining

•  Collecting Data Effectively/ Creating a Checklist

•  Graphing the Data and Graphical Toolbox

•  Pie Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Pareto Diagram, Pareto Chart Interpretation, Time Series Analysis





10Advanced Measurement System Analysis MSA•  Background and remind MSA


•  Gage R&R study / Gage linearity study

•  Checking a measurement system for discrete data





Measure Phase (cont’)







EASY Sigma

11Process Capability•  What is Process Capability


•  Process Capability from Variable Data

•  Estimating Percentage Beyond Specification Limits

•  Cp, Cpk, Pp Ppk Indices

•  Process Capability from Attribute Data





Day 3





12Measuring Process Behavior•  Determining What to Measure / Extracting Knowledge from Data


•  Understanding Types of Variation

•  Process Behavior Charts for Variable Data:

–  I & mR Chart / X Bar and R Chart

•  Process Behavior Charts for Attribute Data:

–  p Chart / u Chart

•  Interpreting Process Behavior Charts





Measure Phase (cont’)



13Pareto Analysis•  What is a Pareto Diagram? / Constructing a Pareto Diagram


•  Interpreting a Pareto Diagram / Uses of Pareto Diagrams





Day 3





14Advanced Process Sigma Level•  When evaluating current level (baseline) of how well the process meets customer care-about.


•  To quantify Improvement in the process performance

Analyze Phase



Analyze Overview



Process Map

C-E Diagram



15Process Maping•  Why Do You Need Process Map?


•  Major Symbols Used for Process Map

•  Visio for Cross Function Process Mapping

•  Step for Process Mapping




Ms Project

Day 3



13:00 – 17:00

165 Why•  5 Why’s Analysis


–  Benefits of The 5 Whys; When Is 5 Whys Most Useful?

•  Root Cause Identification Tool; Teamplate and Example






Day 4





17Analyze C&E and C&E Matrix•  Comparing the C & E Diagram and the C & E Matrix


•  What is a Cause and Effect Diagram?

•  Conducting Cause and Effect Analysis Using the Diagram

•  Constructing a Cause and Effect Matrix

•  Verifying Causes / Evaluating KPIVs

18Failure  Mod Effect Analyze FMEA•  Risk Management Roadmap


•  Risk Treatment Planning

•  What is FMEA?

•   Objectives of FMEA in Lean Six Sigma

•  When to use FMEA

•  FMEA Steps / FMEA “Tips”

•   FMEA Exercise




Day 4



13:00 – 17:00

Analyze Phase (cont’)



19Analyze of Correlation and Regression•  What is a Correlation? / Scatter Diagram


•  The Correlation Coefficient, r

•  Regression Analysis

•  The Coefficient of Determination, R2

•  Adjusted R2

•  Overall Significance

•  Why Use a Regression Equation?





Day 5


Morning 8:00 – 12:00

20Cause Verification•  Why Verify Causes?


•   Methods for Verifying Causes

•  Creating the Plan to Verify Causes / Probability Theory

•  Types of Distribution, Normal Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution

•  Data World Used for Inferential Statistics, Statistical Interference

•  Context for Inferential Statistics, Point and Interval Estimates, Central Limit Theorem, Interval Estimates





Analyze Phase (cont’)


Estimation and Hypothesis Test

Test of Mean

Proportion Test

Test for Equal Variances

Nonparametric Test


Correlation & Regression Analysis

21Hypothesis Testing•  Hypothesis Testing (Step by step) / Parametric Tests


•  Anderson Darling Normality Test

•  Equality of Variance Test / 2 Sample T-Test

•  Paired T-Test / Test for Two Means

•  Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

•  Non-Parametric Tests / Mann-Whitney Test

•  Kruskal-Wallis Test/ Mood’s Median Test

•  Categorical Data Analysis/ 2 Sample P-Test

•  Chi-Square Test for Independence

•  Correlation and Regression

•  Coefficient of Correlation (Pearson’s R)

•  Regression Modeling

•  Updating of Project Storyboard (Analyze Phase)

•  Presentation and Approval of Analyze Phase to Sponsors and Stakeholders





Day 5


Afternoon 13:00


CiCC mapping with GB TO BB Training Schedule (2W)

Week 1 review22D-M-A PresentationWarm-up activity


Review 1Week home work

Project Team Presentation ( D-M-A phase)





Day 6


Morning 8:00 – 12:00

Improve Phase




23Identified solution for Improvement•  Counteract Causes / What is a Counteraction?


•  Brainstorming Counteractions / Evaluation Matrix



Ms Project

Day 6


Afternoon 13:00 – 15:00

Improve Phase (Cont’)



Alternatives Generation & Selection

24Optimize Process Flow•  “To Be” Process Map / Improve Phase Roadmap


•  Cost Reduction Principle/ Phases of Lean




Day 6


Afternoon 15:00 – 17:00

25Lean Simulation and Lean game•  Customer Demand/ Takt and Pitch Calculation, L/T


•  Buffer and Safety Resources

•  Continuous Flow

•  Just In Time and JIDOKA






26Lean Tools•  5S and Visual Management


•  Standardized Work (SOW)

•  Kaizen and PDCA compare with DMAIC





Day 7


Morning 8:00 – 12:00

•  Work Balancing, C/T, C/O


•  Leveling / Capacity Leveling

•  Visual Management for Leveling / Kanban and FIFO





Day 7 Afternoon 13:00 – 17:00
Improve Phase (Cont’)



Design of Experiments Overview

Full Factorial Design

DOE Practical Training

27Design of Experiments (DOE)•  Computer simulation


•  The factorial approach to designed experiments

•  Designing a full factorial experiment: example

•  Doing the experiment: example

•  Analyzing an experiment: example

•  Reducing experimental trials: The half- fraction and confounding

•  Reducing experimental trials: Other fractional designs

•  Planning and preparing for a designed experiment





Day 8


Morning 8:00 – 12:00



Day 8 Afternoon 13:00 – 17:00

28Updating of Project Storyboard•  Checking of Effectiveness of the Actions Taken


•  Verification/Realization of the Benefits (before and after comparison)

•  Updating of Project Storyboard (Improve Phase)

•  Presentation and Approval of Improve Phase to Sponsors and Stakeholders



Minitab Laptop

Ms Project

Control Phase







29Control Plan•  What is a Control Plan?


•  Control Plan Strategy / What to Control?

•  Identifying KPIVs / Why Use a Control Plan?

•  Developing a Control Plan

•  Choosing the Right Level of Control

•  Components of a Control Plan

•  Control Plan Worksheet



Ms Project

Day 9 Morning 8:00



Control Phase (Cont’)



Control Chart

for Variables

Control Chart

for Attributes




Mistake Proofing

30Advanced Control Charts•  Variation and individual charts


•  Control charts for discrete data: p, np, c, and u charts

•  Control charts for high-volume processes with subgroups: x-bar, r charts

•  Control charts for detecting small shifts quickly: EWMA charts

•  Using control charts



Minitab Laptop

Day 9 Afternoon 13:00 – 17:00
31Standard-ization for Six Sigma•  How to Control the Xs / What is Standardized Work?


•  What is a Standard? / Why Standards are Needed

•  5S and Visual Controls / Sharing Best Practices





33Error Proofing•  What is Error Proofing? / Errors->Mistakes->Defects


•  Some Benefits of Error Proofing / Why use Error Proofing?

•  The Quest for Zero Defects / Error Proofing Principles

•  Common Causes of Errors / Mistakes

•  Controlling Sources of Error

•  Error Proofing Inspection Techniques

•  Implementing Error Proofing




33TPM•  Total Productive Maintenance


•  Some common types of maintenance

•  Introduction to TPM and OEE

•  Implementing TPM and what are the benefits?

•  Preventive Maintenace: PM (MTTR and MRBF)




Day 10 Morning 8:00 – 12:00
Review and Finish



Review FBB Test

34Review and examination•  Question and answer


•  Review Lean Six Sigma knowledge

•  Review and Edit Team’s presentation

•  FBB Test




Day 10 Afternoon 13:00 – 17:00
Projects Presentation•  Projects leader and Team present to management 


Green Belt, who are selected to become Black Belt Six Sigma

Program Cost:   Contact us for Quotation

Note: This cost is including Accommodation, Travel, Training material, Certificate.

Number of participant:

Arrange by customer, but to good maintain classes, number of participant should be not excess 25 people.

Introduction Consultant Profile:


Telephone: 098. 8000. 364, email:, Master Black Belt and Lean6sigma group leader (Lean6sigma Vietnam Network) , Owned forum, , Chairman and Director of Continuous Improvement Consulting JSC; . With more than 15 years fulltime working, training and consulting in field of continuous improvement Lean, LeanTPM, Six Sigma, Lean6sigma, Supply Chain and Balance Scorecard and LeanERP system.

Besides he was a collaborator Lean6Sigma network bulletins, the magazine of Vietnam Supply Chain Insight, The Saigon Times, and numerous magazine and other online forums. Some customer Dieu has been consulting and training for application and deployment Six Sigma, Lean, LeanTPM, Lean6sigma such as ANZ VN Bank, Bunge VN, YKK VN, HYOSUNG, KOTOBUKI VN, CS Wind VN, SPi Global, Posco VN, Spatronic VN, Kimberly Clark VN, Nitto Denko VN, Vinamilk, Trung Nguyen Coffee, Olam Café VN, Chantelle VN, Datalogic Scanning VN, Pepperl-fuchs VN, Rang Dong Plastic, Crucialteck Electronic, Thanh Nhon JSC, HUDA Beer, Vinh Khanh Cable-Plastic, Saigon Cable, Tan Tien Packaging, Kosvida, Van Nga Packaging, SOVI Packaging, Starprint VN, Vinh Long Food, and many other clients can refer for detail.

Professional capability:

Dieu has extensive experience in coaching, training & implementation Lean6Sigma and other continuous improvement tools. Flexibility, enthusiasm and patience is the virtue of his to help organization introduce and promote better understanding of the theory and application Lean6Sigma and organizations enables to manage and operate an effective the production of their business. He has very deep understanding of the principles Lean6Sigma and change management system from traditional manufacturing and services to Lean6Sigma production services. He approached Lean, Six Sigma, Supply Chain, and Balance Scorecard from sitting in a chair at the school and pursued until now. Dieu has practical experience working on large Lean6Sigma global company as: Mr. Dieu worked at Samsung Electronics Corporation in 2002 – 2004, the company specializes in electrical and electronic products owner by Korea have successfully applied the Six Sigma management system since 1997, at that time Mr. Dieu has responsible for improving the full time in Six Sigma department, he has completed the program Green Belt and Black Belt at Samsung. In 2004-2005 he joined the group’s fourth-largest wholesaler Metro Cash & Carry, he was responsible for the assessment and selection of suppliers and ensure quality of goods imported into the Metro Store for non-food products bearing its own brand of Metro, and he has completed courses in Supply Chain Systems here and some soft skill else.

From 2005 – 2007 he joined the Johnson Control Corporation, is a rich and powerful corporations in the Top 100 U.S. entrepreneurs are specialized inside, interior systems and batteries for cars, in this time Mr. Dieu is the head of continuous improvement department, is responsible for establishing and maintaining system improvement through the introduction and implementation of Lean6Sigma, he has completed extensive training courses on application deployment Lean6Sigma in Malaysia, completion Study Master Black Belt.

From 2007 – 2009 he spent so much time to research the application of continuous improvement in Viet Nam enterprise with Lean6Sigma during the time he worked for FPT corporation, where he was responsible for research and introducing Lean6Sigma for the whole group, formulate strategies and implement plans Lean6Sigma, recruitment, training and advice to member companies in the group, building structure and standards to guide improvements continue. From 2009 – 2010 he joined in Government Organization is Quality and Testing Center 3, he is Head of Lean6sigma Department.

Up to now, Dieu and other consultants established and build up the Continuous Improvement Consult Joint Stock Company ( ), he is a Chairman and Deputy Director. His Company becomes a partnership with Hirayama Japan, American Society for Quality (ASQ-AUTO), Robinson Consulting Group (USA), URS (Korea) Micon Thailand, Lean6sigma Vietnam Network, and Supply Chain Insight.

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